Beau Broering

Beau Broering

City of Covington Economic Impact Report

The ask was straightforward, “…show our partners and the community the City’s Economic Development success in 2022 in a compelling way.”

While traditionally a print piece, we wanted to take this to the next level. With a tight timeline, not only did we create the print piece, but also a 90 second video that really captured the true spirit of Covington.

Printed and Digital Report

Starting with a distinctive writing style from the Covington Economic Development team, an unapologetic brand refresh we got to work creating layouts that would allow us to showcase the bold side of the river.


Scripting + Storyboarding

Key to the process of any video project is scripting and storyboard creation.

With so much outstanding work done by the Economic Development team in the past year, we needed to make sure the video was impactful, inclusive, and showcased the reach of the program.

Each scene was crafted purposely, with compelling content and hand drawn storyboards designed to take full advantage of the bold new Covington brand.

A few client brainstorm sessions put the final polish on and we went right into production.

Creating the video

With comprehensive data on job creation, investments, city incentives, new businesses, strategic initiatives, and what the future holds; selecting the highlights was no easy task!

We worked closely with representatives from the city to ensure we showcased key points in an engaging and purposeful way.

The end result is a 90 second tribute to the amazing work the City of Covington Economic Development Department completed in 2022.